Dr. Ahmed Ma’mun
MD Analytical Chemistry Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Egypt.
Ahmed Ma’mun has worked in the career of pharmaceutical industry for 14 years, in the field of analytical chemistry, methodology and validation. Nowadays he is a senior researcher in faculty of pharmacy-Heliopolis University. Master degree in analytical chemistry -Faculty of pharmacy-Cairo university and PhD student in the same university .Four primary articles in all fields of analytical chemistry (ISEs, HPLC, HPTLC, GC and Spectrophotometry) ex: Real-time potentiometric sensor; an innovative tool for monitoring hydrolysis of chemo/bio-degradable drugs in pharmaceutical sciences, journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis (I.F/3.0) and number of secondary articles. Reviewer in a number of reputable journals ex: journal of electrochemical society (I.F/3.7) .Invited speaker in a number of conferences worldwide ex: European congress on pharma-Paris-August 2018, International Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences-Cairo-January 2019 and International Congress on Structural Biochemistry-Singapore-August 2019 . The author of book entitled “Summary of the main techniques in analytical chemistry” published by Eliva press 2022.