Elisabeth van der Gulik

Elisabeth van der Gulik has followed a career as a physician, in which she developed a  great  interest in pathologic anatomy. She was active in hospitals in Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, as assistant pathologist and researcher. One of the topics in her research was the reaction of astrocytes in the environment of intracerebral lymphomas, metastatic lymph nodes without primary origin. Since 1992 she was active as physician in social medicine, assessment, assurance medicine, till she became a position as physician in different arbo services of occupational health. She retired since 2012 and wrote two books, both in Dutch/English with as title:  Het Verzuimgesprek/The Absenteeism Conversation and De Toepasbaarheid van Enkele Stressmodellen en de relatie met verander- en stressmanagement in de werksituatie/ The Applicability of several stress models and the relation to Change- and Stress management in the Working Situation. A growing quantity of publications on her name find their way in medical journals.