María Guillot Valdés

María Guillot Valdés, holds a degree in Psychology at University of Seville (Spain) and a Master in Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience at Ludwig Maximilian Universität München. She is General Health Psychologist. Currently she works as a researcher and teacher in training in the Department of Personality, Evaluation and Treatment Psychologist at University of Granada (Spain). She is a member of the research group CTS261: Clinical Psychophysiology and Health Promotion. Her thesis topic is the construction of a questionnaire for the evaluation of depression (Clinical Test of the Evaluation of Depression). She has completed an international mobility doctoral stay with Prof. Felix Schöbrödt at the University of Munich, in the Department of Psychological Methodology and Diagnostics. She has published on psychological evaluation, analysis and construction of instruments in various impact journals, such as the International Journal of Clinical Health Psychology or Psicothema. She is also the author of several book chapters, most recently “Perspectives and analysis of health. A multidisciplinary approach” (Editorial Dykinson, 2020). She has participated in more than 40 international congresses, contributing with scientific production