Dr. Elena V. Drozdova

A cardiovascular surgeon, Samara Railway Clinical Hospital, Russia. 

Elena Drozdova a cardiovascular surgeon. Having taken an extensive practice in the field of vascular surgery, she mainly specializes in the problems of vein thromboses, urgent vascular surgery and vascular access for the patients on hemodialysis. She graduated from Samara State Medical University in 2006. In 2007 after the specialization in Samara Regional Clinical Cancer Center she got a certificate in General Surgery. Later in 2012 she finished Cardiovascular Surgery Residency at Samara State Medical University and got a Certificate of Cardiovascular Surgery. She is an author of a number of medical articles and was offered the position of editorial board member in some journals. Research interest: There are some inconsistencies between practice and dogmas; moreover, she thinks that many of laboratory tests make it more difficult to analyze the data because of their number and low specificity, so we can see neither solution nor direction in which this problem may be solved.