Dr. Suresh Aluvihara
Mr. Suresh Aluvihara has received his first degree in the year 2017 as B.Sc. (Special) (Hon’s) in Mineral Science and Technology under the disciplines of Earth Science, Mineral Science
and Water Science. After the graduation he commenced his postgraduate studies at the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka under the disciplines of Environmental Engineering. Currently he has achieved a series of outstanding research publications as the abstracts, conference papers and journal papers thatrelevant with the scopes of Earth Science and Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Earth Engineering and Environmental Engineering. In the consideration of his current status of academic works, he has already participated approximately in 50 international research conferences around the world as a keynote speaker, invited speaker, featured speaker and plenary speaker, organizing committee member, reviewer and editorial board member for hi-index journals. Currently he is receiving some invitations for worldwide research conferences for the role of honorable speaker. He is having a few of professional memberships in International Science and Engineering councils and associates. He was also awarded as a best young scientist, best scholar and excellence in research awards.